[“Yokogawa (Pressure Transmitters)” tag=”div” align=”center” size=”25″ line_height=”50″ color=”#1e73be”]

Pressure transmitters are used to measure the pressure or level of industrial liquids and gases. The output is transmitted to a control system. Accurate and stable process measurements ensure the safe, reliable, and profitable operation of your plant.

Compact, lightweight, intuitive and intelligent, Yokogawa pressure instruments simplify all aspects of handling, commissioning, installation, operation, and maintenance while delivering outstanding performance. Whether installed in the harsh environment of an offshore platform or a refinery in the burning desert heat, our DPharp series delivers accurate, repeatable, and high integrity process measurements.

Gauge Pressure

Differential Pressure

Absolute Pressure

Diaphragm Seal System

Wireless Differential Pressure/Pressure Transmitters

Liquid Level

Mass Flow (Multivariable)

Low Flow

Hygienic Pressure Transmitters

Partner Products for Pressure Transmitters

Gauge Pressure

A gauge pressure (GP) transmitter compares a process pressure against local ambient air pressure. Gauge pressure transmitters have ports to sample the ambient air pressure in real-time. Today’s highly accurate gauge pressure transmitters can be affected by fluctuations in the local ambient pressure. Measurements above the ambient air pressure are represented as a positive number, while negative number represents measurements below ambient. A gauge pressure measurement is indicated by the letter ‘g’ following the unit of measure of the reading (i.e., inH₂O(g) or psig).

EJA530E In-Line Mount Gauge Pressure Transmitter

The EJA-E series of transmitters is Yokogawa’s most recent evolution of the DPharp family. Released in 2012, it combines the ruggedness and success of the work-horse EJA-E series with the performance of the thoroughbred EJX-A series to deliver the type of product you have come to expect from Yokogawa.

The EJA530E is our in-line mount gauge pressure transmitter in the series.

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EJX530A In-Line Mount Gauge Pressure Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX530A is an In-Line Gauge Pressure Transmitter in the series.

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Differential Pressure

Differential Pressure (DP) transmitters measure the difference between two pressures. They use a reference point called the low-side pressure and compare it to the high-side pressure. Ports in the instrument are marked high-side and low-side. The DP reading can be either negative or positive depending on whether the low-side or high-side is the larger value. A DP transmitter can be used as a gauge pressure transmitter if the low-side is left open to the atmosphere.

EJA110E Differential Pressure Transmitter

The EJA-E series of transmitters is Yokogawa’s most recent evolution of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters. Released in 2012, it combines the ruggedness and success of the work-horse EJA-A series with the performance of the thoroughbred EJX-A series to deliver the type of product you have come to expect from Yokogawa.

The EJA110E is our standard traditional-mount differential pressure transmitter in this series.

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EJX110A Differential Pressure Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX110A is the traditional-mount Differential Pressure Transmitter in the series.

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Absolute Pressure

Absolute pressure (AP) transmitter measure relative to perfect (full) vacuum pressure (absolute zero pressure); therefore, AP transmitters are not affected by fluctuations in the local atmospheric pressure. All absolute pressure measurements are positive. The letter ‘a’ or the abbreviation ‘abs’ in the unit of measure (i.e., inH₂O(abs) or psia) indicates an absolute pressure measurement.

Example Industrial Applications: Any critical storage and delivery application (i.e., toxic gases) Because atmospheric conditions can fluctuate, it is imperative that these systems be accurate and use a reference that is static.

Yokogawa absolute pressure transmitters use digital DPharp sensor technology to get accurate, reliable readings to you quickly.

EJA310E Traditional-mount Absolute Pressure Transmitter

The EJA-E series of transmitters is Yokogawa’s most recent evolution of the DPharp family. Released in 2012, it combines the ruggedness and success of the work-horse EJA-E series with the performance of the thoroughbred EJX-A series to deliver the type of product you have come to expect from Yokogawa.

The EJA310E is our traditional-mount absolute pressure transmitter in the series.

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EJX310A Traditional-mount Absolute Pressure Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it a thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX310A is the traditional-mount Absolute Pressure Transmitter in the series.

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Diaphragm Seal System

Diaphragm seals are used to prevent process medium from entering directly into the pressure-sensing assembly of the Differential, Gauge or Absolute pressure transmitter.

Application which is suitable for diaphragm seal system…
For measuring the liquid level, density, flow and pressure of ;

high/low temperature fluids
highly corrosive/high viscosity fluids
the fluids which may cause clogging of impulse piping in the low temperature
toxic fluids
the fluids containing suspended solids which are deposited in the impulse piping and may cause clogging.

EJXC80A, EJAC80E Differential Pressure Direct Mounted Seal

Direct Mounted Diaphragm Seal System consists of gauge pressure or differential pressure transmitter with single direct mount diaphragm seal. Suitable for various kinds of pressure measurement.

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EJXC80A, EJAC80E Differential / Gauge Pressure Diaphragm Seal System

Diaphragm Seal System consists of gauge pressure or differential pressure transmitter with one or two diaphragm seal. Suitable for various kinds of pressure measurement.

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Wireless Differential Pressure/Pressure Transmitters

Yokogawa’s EJX-B series transmitters combine the features on our thoroughbred EJX-A series with ISA100 wireless communication to deliver new opportunities and possibilities.

All Yokogawa ISA100 compliant products can integrate into any ISA100 compliant network.

EJX110B Wireless Differential Pressure Transmitter

The high performance wireless differential pressure transmitter EJX110B features a single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow as well as liquid level, density, and pressure. These transmitters transmit not only process variables but also the setting parameters using wireless signal. The transmitters run on internal batteries, and the installation cost can be decreased since hard-wiring is not required. The communication is compliant with ISA100.11a protocol specifications.

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EJX118B Wireless Differential Pressure Transmitter with Remote Diaphragm Seals

Wireless diaphragm seals are used to prevent process medium from entering directly into the pressure-sensing assembly of the differential pressure and pressure transmitters, they are connected to the transmitter using capillaries filled with fill fluid.

EJX118B Wireless Diaphragm Sealed Differential Pressure and EJX438B Wireless Diaphragm Sealed Gauge Pressure Transmitters can be used to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow, as well as liquid level, density and pressure.

EJX118B and EJX438B transmit not only process variables but also the setting parameters using wireless signal. The transmitters run on internal batteries, and the installation cost can be decreased since hard-wiring is not required. The communication protocol is compliant with ISA100.11a protocol specifications.

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Liquid Level

Level measurement is one of the more essential measurements in a process. Incorrect measurements can cause tanks to overflow creating potential safety or environmental problems; or, low levels can cause pump damage. Even wrong intermediate levels can result in an inferior quality product. Whether the application is for monitoring or control, the level measurement needs to be accurate, reliable, and quick.

EJX210A Flange Mounted Differential Pressure Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released is 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX210A is the flange-mount Liquid Level Transmitter in the series.

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EJA210E Flange Mounted Differential Pressure Transmitter

The EJA-E series of transmitters is Yokogawa’s most recent evolution of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters. Released in 2012, it combines the ruggedness and success of the work-horse EJA-A series with the performance of the thoroughbred EJX-A series to deliver the type of product you have come to expect from Yokogawa.

The EJA210E is the Flange-mount Liquid Level Transmitter in the series.

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Mass Flow (Multivariable)

A Multi-variable transmitter combines a differential pressure transmitter, a gauge pressure transmitter, a temperature transmitter, and a flow computer into one unit.

The flow computer is programmed with application information and uses the three measured inputs to calculate the Mass Flow.

Like the Volumetric Flow, Mass Flow accuracy is determined by the accuracy entire system. This accuracy not only includes the hardware, but also the accuracy of the process parameters used to program the flow computer.

EJX910A Multivariable Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX910A multivariable transmitter is a remarkable innovation in multi-sensing technology. It makes optimal use of the unique characteristics of the DPharp sensor to give you greater insight into your process.

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EJX930A Multivariable Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX930A multivariable transmitter is a remarkable innovation in multi-sensing technology. It makes optimal use of the unique characteristics of the DPharp sensor to give you greater insight into your process.

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Low Flow

Bernoulli’s equation states that the pressure drop across a constriction is proportional to the square of the flow rate. Using this equation, smart differential pressure transmitters can infer the flow.

In this type of application, it is not only important to have an accurate differential pressure transmitter, but also an accurate “constriction”. It is the accuracy of the total system that must be considered.

Therefore, Yokogawa combines our DP transmitter with an Integral Flow Orifice (IFO) in one unit to produce a total system to measure low flow accurately.

EJA115E Low Flow Transmitter

The EJA-E series of transmitters is Yokogawa’s most recent evolution of the DPharp family. Released in 2012, it combines the ruggedness and success of the work-horse EJA-A series with the performance of the thoroughbred EJX-A series to deliver the type of product you have come to expect from Yokogawa.

The EJA115E is Differential Pressure Transmitter in the series that is optimized for low flow applications with the addition of an Integral Flow Orifice (IFO).

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EJX115A Low Flow Transmitter

The EJX-A series is Yokogawa’s premium performance line of DPharp transmitters. Released in 2004, it offers the performance and stability needed in demanding applications. The EJX-A series performance makes it the thoroughbred of the DPharp family of pressure transmitters.

The EJX115A is Differential Pressure Transmitter in the series that is optimized for low flow applications with the addition of an Integral Flow Orifice (IFO).

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Hygienic Pressure Transmitters

Hygienic pressure Transmitters is used to food &beverage or pharmaceutical application mainly with strong features as below:

High performance and functionality electronic circuit of DPharp series.
High accuracy, high long-term stability and high performance for temperature characteristics.
These issues have a direct impact on the profitable operation of your plant.

EJXC40A Digital Remote Sensor (DRS) Differential Pressure System

The EJXC40A Digital Remote Sensor (DRS) transmitter connects two pressure sensors, the primary sensor (for high-pressure side) and secondary sensor (for low-pressure side) with DRS dedicated communication cable to measure differential pressure. The DP is transmitted via a 4 to 20 mA analog signal. EJXC40A is suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam flow as well as liquid level, density and pressure.

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EJAC60E Hygienic Adapter System (Fluidless Type)

Yokogawa released fluidless transmitter as one of EJA series. This new transmitter mounts intelligent functions (LCD display, range setting, communication) that is characteristics of EJA series and also has no risk of LIQUID LEAKAGE that is characteristics of fluidless sensor.
Sensor material adapts duplex stainless steel standardly.

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Partner Products for Pressure Transmitters

Yokogawa Partner Products for Pressure Transmitters

Armstrong Veris – Accelabar

The VERIS Accelabar® is a unique flow meter that combines two differential pressure technologies to produce an operating range never before attainable in a single flow meter. Combining a unique toroidal nozzle design with the VERIS Verabar® averaging pitot tube, Accelabar is capable of measuring gases, liquids, and steam at previously unattainable flow rate turndowns tested up to 65:1 with no straight run requirements.

The Accelabar can be installed as the primary element of a differential pressure flow measurement solution using the proven technology of the VERIS Verabar® averaging pitot sensor. In addition, the VERIS Accelabar® can be furnished as a ready to install flow meter system complete with the primary element, configured transmitter, and RTD, along with other secondary instrumentation. Yokogawa offers multivariable transmitters that can be used as a secondary element depending on the need of a volumetric flow rate or mass flow rate.

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Armstrong Veris - Verabar Averaging Pitot Tubes

V100 & V110 Compression Fitting

This is our most economical sensor and is mounted through a simple tube fitting. The V110 includes support on the opposite wall of the pipe.

NOTE: The picture shown is a standard verabar mounted in a pipe with EJX pressure Transmitter.

V150 Spring Lock Threaded Components

This advanced, patented design ensures the sensor remains sealed, locked and preloaded to the opposite wall regardless of changes in pipe dimameter due to pressure, temperature or mechanical force.

Badotherm - Remote Seals

Badotherm – Remote Seals

Product of Badotherm

Diaphragm seals to combine with EJA and EJX series pressure and differential pressure transmitters
Intended for corrosive, contaminated, hot or viscous pressure media
Various process connections, wetted materials and pressure ranges are available
Engineering Support tools such as BaseCal – Diaphragm seals performance selection tool
Many unique and custom-made solutions

Badotherm - Remote Seals

WIKA – Remote Seals

Product of WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG

Diaphragm seal to combine with EJA and EJX series pressure and differential pressure transmitters
Intended for corrosive, contaminated, hot or viscous pressure media
Various process connections, wetted materials and pressure ranges are available
Optimal engineered with WIKA’s “Diaphragm Seal Calculation Program” (DSCP)
Many unique and custom-made solutions possible
Excellent global support by your local WIKA partner
Capacity to handle (mega) projects with thousands of TAGs

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